While I don’t like to admit it, I am a former derivatives banker…but please, call me Omer.
My first-person account of corruption in the world of derivatives, “Legerdemath,” was published in the January issue of Boston Review. If you’re not a regular Boston Review reader, you should definitely check them out.
After the publication of “Legerdemath,” the Huffington Post gave me a blog. I haven’t yet made good use of it, but I will…no, really, I will.
I have a few long term journalistic projects in the works and am also working on an autobiographical novel about love, 9/11, and the financial collapse. Much progress has been made on both ever since I disconnected my home internet connection.
Now for the statement of purpose, that dreaded hurdle that discouraged me from ever applying to grad school: This blog is a place for me to aggregate all the various writing I am doing, and also a convenient way for me to avoid having to abide by a word count. Much of it will be behind-the-scenes finance fun and games, but hopefully you’ll allow me to explore other avenues. After all, I left finance for a reason. Well, for many reasons.
-Omer Rosen
email: writingomer@gmail.com
twitter: @omerrosen